Trends in Artificial Intelligence 2024: Master them and take ownership of the future

Trends in Artificial Intelligence 2024

Trends in Artificial Intelligence 2024: Master them and take ownership of the future

This is the perfect time to explore the trends in artificial intelligence that will strongly prevail in 2024.

Suppose we want to be successful in life and business. In that case, we must be visionary and anticipate scenarios, situations, and trends.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be a transformative and disruptive force in multiple industries, even in a world that evolves at the speed of a Tesla.

With the new year just around the corner, exploring the technological trends that will shape the artificial intelligence landscape in the coming year is necessary.

Are you ready to learn about some of them and understand how they can revolutionize your products, services, brands, businesses, or ventures?


The list of trends in artificial intelligence that will strongly prevail next year worldwide grows daily.

Explaining them all in a single text would be overwhelming. That’s why we opted to showcase only a selection of the most groundbreaking innovations.

Get ready to discover how AI will intertwine with our daily lives in ways we never could have imagined a year ago.

Here we go!

1. Co-design of products and services with AI

This will be one of the most promising artificial intelligence trends of 2024.

It has already begun to gain strength, and everything indicates that it will not stop getting more assertive in the immediate future.

AI has become a high-value, high-impact creative collaborator for those who want to create products and services capable of:

  • Meet consumer needs with greater precision.
  • Generate a genuinely unforgettable WOW effect on customers.

The possibilities for co-creation with AI are virtually limitless, and we are witnessing innovation reaching new heights.

A few years ago, launching a product with generative AI assistance was beyond imagination.

Today, it is a reality for many companies that seek to be increasingly innovative, creative, and avant-garde.

Coca-Cola launched the first soft drink co-created with AI on the market. This is the Y3000 with a limited-edition “futuristic flavor .”

Co-design a clothing line with AI

We have already begun to embrace this trend. We couldn’t wait until 2024 to venture into co-creation with AI.

But don’t get us wrong.

Next year, we will continue testing, innovating, and launching new solutions to the market that provide more value to our audiences and help us continue diversifying our lines of business.

Are you interested in discovering what we’ve developed? It’s common knowledge and not shrouded in secrecy.

Our founder, VilmaNúñez, will launch a clothing line in 2024 that was co-designed with AI.

The CEO of Convert Más, Jose Villalobos, recently explained that the process of co-creating these clothes was more superficial than you could imagine:

“We contacted the designer of Youbae Store, shaded the sketches of a shirt and then used them to design the shirt with AI – following her specific commands – and once she got the expected result, it was sent to the factory.”

“lma already has some garments from her future collection in her hands and has not hesitated to show them on her social networks”

Although it will be released next year, she anticipated and took advantage of the immense power of AI to design a clothing line that will become a new source of income for her brand.

Co-create physical and digital products

Co-creation is not limited to digital products like ebooks, templates, online courses, or masterclasses.

It can also generate incredible results for physical businesses that want to get ahead of the competition and revolutionize the market with AI-powered cutting-edge solutions.

Jose is clear: “Don’t limit yourself to using AI to create digital products. With these new technologies, the creative possibilities are endless and amazing.”

In 2024, brands that want to be more profitable and competitive must use AI to co-create new products or services with their customers, collaborators, and communities.

Because? This way, they will gain a deeper insight into their real needs, interests, expectations, and desires.

AI is capable of analyzing large volumes of data, such as:

  • Market trends.
  • Consumer preferences.
  • Psychographic interests.
  • Demographic profiles.

This lets you discover “hidden” opportunities and suggest solutions that best-fit market demands.

The potential of human-AI interaction

As if that were not enough, human-AI interaction, when co-creating, encourages diversity of perspectives and deeply fuels creativity.

Think about it. It can significantly help you explore bolder ideas, overcome creative barriers, and generate visionary solutions that you may have yet to consider individually.

These are some of the benefits associated with this winning duo—AI and humans—:

  • Streamlining the co-design process.
  • Generation of virtual prototypes—just what the Youbae Store designer did.
  • Simulation of various scenarios.
  • Interaction with digital representations of products or services before producing them honestly, physically, and massively.

That last point is fascinating because it implies reducing costs and production times. Consequently, optimization of final results is imminent.

Understand this: The combination of human creativity with the immense analytical power of AI is already allowing companies to sell products and services with a unique or never-before-seen stamp.

In turn, it is opening new horizons for personalization and customer satisfaction.

In 2024, your co-creator mentality must evolve.

If you decide to turn your back on this disruptive technology, your businesses will lose relevance, competitiveness, and profitability.

How about you do the exercise right now? Think of at least two products or services—physical or digital—that you could co-create in the immediate future with AI.

Then, get to work. Remember this famous phrase from our founder: “Knowledge without action generates frustration.”

2. Virtual influencers

Virtual influencers

They are virtual characters created with computer graphics software with specific personalities and act on social media as human influencers.

The CEO of the Convert Más Group, Jose Villalobos, believes that next year, “we will see many influencers or profiles on Instagram that will not be real.”

Jose commented, “AitanaLópez is an Instagram model generated with artificial intelligence already charging for brand promotions, exposure on this network, and views.”

Business Insider reported that AitanaLópez was created by “a Spanish agency—The Clueless—that got tired of hiring real models” and that “she can earn a little more than 1,000 euros per ad.”

As a virtual model, you can earn up to $11,000 monthly within a single month.

Can you believe it? Aitana is not a flesh-and-blood influencer but generates five figures a month.

It sounds futuristic, but it is not. It is present, and fortunately, we are experiencing it in the first row.

Don’t be just a spectator!

Do you know what the best part is? That we should not be simple spectators.

We have the power to join these trends in artificial intelligence to make history and set incredible innovative precedents.

The founder of The Clueless has stated that Aitana is a 25-year-old girl with pink hair and a “personality based on what society likes most.”

Aitana’sInstagram account has 233,000 followers, and its content pillars are associated with gaming, fitness, and cosplay.

What do you think? Although this trend will likely spark controversy soon, its evolution and expansion seem inevitable.

Can you create promotional alliances with this type of AI-generated influencers as a brand?

If you’re a little skeptical, we’d like to share this prediction from our CEO:

“We will increasingly see more virtual influencers… We will be able to create content more quickly and our brands will be able to interact with these virtual characters and achieve real results.”

It’s not science fiction. It is reality, and we are living it right now. What makes you believe this trend won’t explode in 2024?

3. AI Technologies: Text to Video Generators with Animations

These technologies combine natural language processing algorithms with video generation techniques.

They are capable of creating high-quality visual content from texts.

Do you wonder how? They interpret the text and generate sequences of images or animations that visually represent the content.

They take into account a large multiplicity of factors, such as:

  • Structure of the text.
  • Communicative intentions.
  • Emotions.
  • Visual elements of most significant relevance.

This allows them to generate coherent, animated, and visually attractive videos.

Understanding semantic context is going to continue in 2024.

But be clear. Some software, like Pika. Art could be just a taster of everything we will witness and take advantage of next year.

What does our CEO think about these AI text-to-video-generating technologies? Here we tell you:

“AI already creates images and texts with very high quality and although video is not there yet, its evolution is advancing very quickly. In the next three or six months we will be able to describe something, with text, to an AI so that it can make a video for us and before the end of 2024, we will surely achieve fantastic results. I’m sure they will be truly outrageous.”

From simple words to impactful videos

That is precisely what we can create with these technologies in the immediate future!

The generation of text-to-video, with animations, will revolutionize numerous industries in 2024, including advertising, entertainment, and digital marketing.

It’s impossible to look toward the future of marketing without acknowledging the pervasive influence of AI.

Statista predicts that in 2024, the market value of artificial intelligence in marketing will exceed $35 billion.

While in 2028, that figure could rise to 107,540 million dollars.

Now that you know all that data, how do you plan to prepare to take advantage of it?

Have you already started training in AI and interacting with these technologies that never stop surprising us?

We hope so because there will be no going back. AI will not deteriorate. Quite the opposite!


The three trends in artificial intelligence that we have just shared with you reveal that we will experience countless advances in AI in 2024.

These technologies will continue transforming industries, sectors, and our lives.

But only those who master it can experience its greatness firsthand. Would you like to be one of them?

Nothing is as before. The time has come to adapt, master AI, and evolve.

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