Best Google Chrome extensions for SEO that you need

Best Google Chrome extensions for SEO that you need

Best Google Chrome extensions for SEO that you need

Can you imagine customizing your browser to make it more optimal and intuitive for SEO? Google Chrome has a wide variety of extensions that allow you to customize your browser to be more efficient in your work. Among these extensions, we bring you the ones that, at Hotlinko Ltd, we consider most valuable and essential for writing quality SEO content.

Google Chrome extensions are tools designed to perform particular tasks. The first time you access the browser, only extensions such as Gmail, search on Google, or YouTube appear installed; However, this list can be expanded depending on your browsing tastes and your work.

It is best only to install those you need the most so that the performance of your browser does not decrease. These are available for download on the Chrome Web Store.

SEO consultants are known for knowing and working with all those applications that help obtain the maximum performance from your website. These Google Chrome extensions help us always have the tools we use the most available, which saves significant time.

This way, you can check from your computer the number of 404 errors a website has, if the images do not have alt attributes or if we have many external links.

Through this SEO toolbar, consultants have at our disposal the perfect way to make the most of your page. In addition, they allow us to save a lot of time and quickly improve the website’s position.

Best SEO extensions that you should know and try

Currently, there are thousands of extensions for SEO, but after our experience, these are the ones we use and recommend.

It’s advisable not to concentrate solely on one extension; instead, utilize multiple ones. The main reason is that each tool has a purpose and is designed for something specific.

SEO consultants work with the best Chrome extensions to achieve maximum performance for your website.

Detailed SEO Extension

Detailed SEO is a relatively intuitive and easy-to-use Chrome extension, and I’ve used it for quite some time.

SEO META in 1 Click

As its name indicates, this extension is designed so that, with a single click, you know the most relevant SEO information about the link you are analyzing. This way, you will have a quick and exciting first impression of:

  • Title and its size.
  • Meta description and its size.
  • URL
  • Meta-robots
  • Structure with its headings (H1, H2…=)
  • Number of images with and without alt.
  • Number of links, internal and external.
  • Influence on Twitter.
  • Robots.txt and sitemap.xml.


FatRank is one of the easiest-to-use Google Chrome tools. The aim is to provide a report on your website’s placement relative to the keyword you’ve utilized. To do this, add this extension to your browser, enter the keyword of the page you want to analyze, and click check. You will instantly know the position of your URL, and if you wish, you can export the results in CSV.


This tool shows you in a very visual way – through red boxes – the links that are called ‘nofollow’. Once added to Chrome, you won’t have to do anything else. As you browse each website, it will show you which ones have these attributes.


SEOquake informs you about those elements that directly influence the SEO results of your website or blog. These are the most notable sections of the tool:

  • Information: shows you the primary data of your website using SEMrush.
  • Diagnosis: OnPage analysis of the website and some essential tips that will help you improve the main elements analyzed (URL, title, meta description or robots.txt, among others.
  • Comparison: You can see the age, domain and other interest data of the pages indexed on Bing and Google.

Link Redirect Trace allows you a complete analysis of your website. Here are only some of the capabilities Link Redirect Trace offers:

  • Analyze all your redirects so you can understand them.
  • It allows you to fix poorly performing URLs.
  • Detect if there is any SEO problem.
  • Analyze advertising links.

Extract People also search phrases in Google.

This extension helps you see all the phrases people use to search on Google, which means getting closer to the users’ search intention. This tool is perfect for SEO content writers who want to gain greater visibility. In addition, it allows you to do a brief analysis of the keywords.

Furthermore, its use is effortless. Once installed, you must search for what you want on Google and all the information you wish to appear on the browser.

This way, you will quickly know what people find when they enter your keyword in the search engine.

Keywords Everywhere

This extension stands out for providing precise data on the number of keywords that it is advisable to include according to the searches. In addition, they have no cost; their only drawback is that it is not in Spanish.

Its operation is straightforward, and by simply activating the extension, you can have specific data, such as the number of searches for your keyword.

The singular downside of this tool lies in its inability to present data with precision during the export process. But this has a solution: when you download them, you must copy the keywords column and upload them to the extension option,  bulk upload keywords.

Web Developer

Without a doubt, Web Developer is one of the most complete Google Chrome extensions. This tool gives the user extensive information that helps you improve your website’s domain. This application is divided into different tabs. The ones that will provide you with the most SEO information are ‘Images’ and ‘Information’.

‘Images’, as its name suggests, is designed to analyze all the link snapshots you want. In this way and, you can explore if the alt is optimized and see if any have stopped loading, thanks to the Find Broken Images function. You can also access a complete analysis in View Image Information, where you will get a list of all the photos in the link with their alts, sizes and links.

In the ‘Information’ tab, the View Document Outline stands out. This function shows you the structure of your texts and the order in which they appear. Additionally, the Outline external links option shows you, at a glance, all the external links you have added to your page.

In addition to these functions, the extension has the possibility of validating Accessibility, which is responsible for showing errors in headers, alt attributes, or the existence of duplicate texts.

SEO Wizard

This tool allows you to know how to improve your web presence. To do this, it highlights your weak points and offers advice to help you improve them and turn them into benefits.

AMP Validator

Perfect for those websites that use the AMP format, characterized by giving the reader a more straightforward and faster web version. The only thing this application does is indicate whether the URL, in this format, works well. To utilize it, append ‘/amp’ to the URL.

Web developer checklist

The Web Developer Checklist enables you to conduct a website examination using Google Chrome. It is very easy and intuitive and shows a basic summary of your page. One of the main features of a Web developer checklist is that it shows if something is not working in your web positioning or if everything is fine.


Lighthouse is the perfect extension to analyze the performance of your website. The tool performs tests against the page to see where it fails and where it can improve.

Thanks to Lighthouse, you can analyze the performance of your website quickly and efficiently.

How to install the extensions that interest me

The installation of these extensions is very easy and quick. You only have to write the tool you want in the Chrome Web Store search engine and click add. After installation, the extension icon will appear in the upper right corner, enabling you to commence utilization.

Have you explored all available options thus far? At Hotlinko Ltd, we only use the best tools. Attempt to observe how you can maximize your time efficiency!

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