Types of Keywords in SEO

Types of Keywords in SEO

Types of Keywords in SEO

We can differentiate keywords based on parameters such as the user’s intention when performing the relevant search or the length and volume of searches. Here are the different types of keywords:

According to user intent

Depending on their proximity or distance from the purchase decision, they correspond to the different moments of the conversion funnel where the user may be located.

Informational:  Informational searches occur during the initial phases to seek general details regarding a product or service.

Transactional: Transactional searches aim to finalize a transaction, whether acquiring a service or buying a product.

Navigational: Navigational searches are geared towards locating a particular website online.

Knowledge: we use these to solve a specific problem our users may have. They are far from conversion, but they are those with which the final decision of your objective begins.

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Decision: These searches are close to the conversion, and the final decision will depend on the information found.

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Geo: those in which parts of the search involve a request for information about a specific location.

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Depending on the length and search volume

On the other hand, we can group keywords based on their length and the volume of searches they generate, two inversely proportional parameters.

Head tailor generic: These are the most straightforward searches and, simultaneously, the broadest regarding the information they can provide. The head-tail corresponds to a generic concept that generates many searches to bring us massive traffic. Still, at the same time, they have a lot of competition, which is why it is more complicated to position. Less mature users usually make them in the web conversion funnel.

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Middle tail or semi-generic: They group slightly more specific searches, but they continue to be very broad and, therefore, have a lot of traffic and great competition.

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Long tail or specific: They make up most of the searches. In this case, these are particular searches that are almost always transactional. Although their traffic is lower, they have almost no competition, which makes them much easier to position.

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Depending on your conversion and competition

Very competitive keywords: there are sectors with a lot of SEO work behind them, and many competitors are investing in SEO, making it more complex to obtain results.

Keywords with little competition

High conversion keywords: those we believe are closest to converting and achieving web objectives.

Low converting keywords.

According to its usefulness

Based on what they will be used for within our website or our strategy, we can categorize them into:

Branded: all how a brand is searched.

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Brand + product/service: a variation of pure branding but with the search for a specific product or service.

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Descriptions of services or products: Users often know what they want, but they have many ways of saying the same thing without naming the product or service they want to hire.

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Product: the exact name of the product or service you wish to purchase.

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Keywords categorized by type

By product-service name: Kindle – iPad 2 – Samsung Galaxy – Ford Fiesta

By type of product-service: Minivan – mp3 player – lipstick – LCD television

For the benefit of the product-service: Makeup tricks – how to cut ham – how to format PC – eliminate cockroaches

By recipient of the product-service: Gift for girlfriend – toys for a 3-year-old boy – advertising for companies

By product-service characteristics: Second-hand motorcycle – vacation apartment

By action related to a product or service: Buy a motorcycle – rent a new apartment – ​​download a song.

By location of product or service: Apartment in Madrid – Dealership in Segovia

Types of Keywords according to the medium where they are most used

For voice search: voice assistants play an essential role in users’ daily lives, and Google searches are done through their devices.

Cortana, Siri, and Google Now are some standard devices that you can search for.

For videos on YouTube, Vimeo, etc… They can even be regular searches whose user intention could be to find an explanatory video.

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Types of Keywords by objective

We can organize them based on the objective that we want them to meet within our online marketing strategy:

To position your brand

For Reputation Management

To get online traffic

To obtain offline traffic, for example, users can be taken to stores.

To get conversions

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